I use Feedburner because it is easy to advertise your website/blog to the world. Feedburber using xml Extensible Markup Language yet another language to learn. The xml can be created using PHP ( a part of LAMP). You create rss.php (called class RSS $rss_feed_output = new RSS($_GET['id'])) to output the file called rss.xml. The rss.php can run manually or via cronjob or automatically if the entry is created in the database successfully the rss.xml can update to advertise to all the users. I am using manually run rss.php when I want to update my feeder rss.xml. Go to the http://feedburner.google.com/ and give it a new name for example Gatherex then the link of my rss.xml in this case http://www.vinaventure.com/v2/rss.xml and hit next assuming no error then you can publicity the feed, go to publicize by clicking the feeder name that you just created for example Gatherex. Publicize -> BuzzBoost set up how many items that you want to display and so one. Then copy and paste the section of javascript into any blogs or website you will have as follows.
In Gatherex, I also added the symbol at each of the poll display so you can add to facebook, blogspot, yahoo by click on the website that you want to add as you can see I have a lot of entried like this on my blog.
Gatherex - CSS vs. Table
This way you don't need to use rss.xml from my gatherex website or feedburner.
These ways allow us to link all the info. from website/blog to anothers easily using Extensible Markup Language XML. As long as all the website/blog has an up-to-date xml file to reflect the change of the website/blog. That xml will feed into the feedburner automatically after you set up and it is updated accordingly to all of your websites. News and media are using this way when you see RSS or symbol you know that the website has a live feeder(rss.xml)

P.S. Gatherex I choose this domain because I could not get "gather" so I added "ex" at the end of gather to become http://www.gatherex.com (gather extreme: gather information) I am still working on the ver. 3 and I try to finish it with web 2.0 look and feel. All the links with open a new iframe instead of opening a new browser. I have some ideas. Basically about the flowing of the data, users can vote and read news in the same page either open a new iframe and pop up. The vote page will be using DOM to hide or unhidden. The concept is everything can be done in one page. Right now it jumps to vote page or jump to the news. The What's new page need to have a bunch of feeders(rss.xml) of newspapers so users can go there to get all sorts of news. Gatherex is good idea just needed to put it into the perspective. It will be a while. I just wanted to put my ideas first so I won't forget and do some twisted works after. It is always good to be busy. I need to play my guitar and tennis this weekend too. Some songs I need to practice too. Nothing comes by chance but by working hard and the dedication. Tennis legend Billie Jean King's quote: Pressure is a privilege. I always work good under pressure or challenger.
1 comment:
"I always work good under pressure or challenger."
I am not good at IT very much, so I like your way, you chose in your work and may be in your life.
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