Thursday, July 19, 2012

linux Kernel 2.6.38 using sema_init

I just found out when upgraded rt73 device drivers that the old Linux kernel and the new version they changed the mutex to semaphore with extra parameter (A mutex is essentially the same thing as a binary semaphore(1 or 0 single resource) vs. counting values that allows multiple program threads to share the same resource)  I could not even grep for the name because the name is totally different. The name is now all low cases sema_init. So the device driver could fail after upgrade to a new Linux kernel and this is the case we need to change the device driver rt73 module rtmp_init.c as follow.
#ifndef init_MUTEX_LOCKED

        sema_init(&(pAd->usbdev_semaphore), 1);            // linux kernel 2.6.38

        sema_init(&(pAd->mlme_semaphore), 1);

        sema_init(&(pAd->RTUSBCmd_semaphore), 1);

        init_MUTEX_LOCKED(&(pAd->usbdev_semaphore)); // linux kernel 2.6.37




//currently typically to 1 (in which case the semaphore is called a mutex) 
//From Linus Torvalds
/* Maximum concurrent users 
sema_init(&sem, MAX_CONCURRENT_USERS);

However, almost all practical use of semaphores is a special case where
the counter is initialized to 1, and where they are used as simple
mutual exclusion with only one user allowed in the critical region.
Such a semaphore is often called a "mutex" semaphore for MUTual

Friday, July 13, 2012


In C++
 * part1.h

#ifndef PART1_H_
#define PART1_H_

#pragma once

struct CarPart
 long     PartNumber;
 char     PartName[40];
 double   UnitPrice;
 CarPart* Next;


class ListOfParts
 int size;

 int Count();
 CarPart* Head;

 int Add(CarPart* Item);
 CarPart *Retrieve(int pos);
 bool Delete();

#endif /* PART1_H_ */

#include <iostream>
#include "parts1.h"
using namespace std;         //otherwise std::cout

ListOfParts::ListOfParts()  //constructor
// : size(0), Head(NULL)
 size = 0;
 Head = NULL;  // either way : size(0), Head(BULL)
int ListOfParts::Count()
 return size;

int ListOfParts::Add(CarPart *NewItem)
 CarPart *Node = new CarPart;  //add struct CarPart into the class

 Node          = NewItem;
 Node->Next    = Head;   //of the struct pointer Next
 Head          = Node;   // of class pointer Head
 return size++;
CarPart *ListOfParts::Retrieve(int Position)
 CarPart *Current = Head;
 for(int i = 0; i < Position && Current != NULL; i++)
  Current = Current->Next;
 return Current;
bool ListOfParts::Delete()
 if( Head == NULL )
  cout << "The list is empty\n";
  return false;
  CarPart *Current;

  Current = Head->Next;
  Head->Next = Current->Next;
  return true;

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "parts1.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
 ListOfParts *Parts = new ListOfParts();     //class
 CarPart     *Part;       //struct

 // Visual C++ 6 can't "scope" a variable in a for loop
 int i;

 Part  = new CarPart;
 Part->PartNumber = 9743;
 strcpy(Part->PartName, "Air Filter");
 Part->UnitPrice  = 8.75;

 Part  = new CarPart;
 Part->PartNumber = 27487;
 strcpy(Part->PartName, "Clutch Disk");
 Part->UnitPrice  = 47.15;

 Part  = new CarPart;
 Part->PartNumber = 87873;
 strcpy(Part->PartName, "Brake Disk");
 Part->UnitPrice  = 35.15;

 Part  = new CarPart;
 Part->PartNumber = 27644;
 strcpy(Part->PartName, "A/C Filter Drier");
 Part->UnitPrice  = 55.55;

 cout << "Number of Parts: " << Parts->Count() << endl;

 cout << "\n-=- List of Parts -=-";
 for(i = 0; i < Parts->Count(); i++)
  CarPart* One = Parts->Retrieve(i);

  cout << "\nCar Part Information";
  cout << "\nPart #:      " << One->PartNumber;
  cout << "\nDescription: " << One->PartName;
  cout << "\nUnit Price: $" << One->UnitPrice << endl;


 cout << "\nNumber of Parts: " << Parts->Count() << endl;

 cout << "\n-=- List of Parts -=-";
 for(i = 0; i < Parts->Count(); i++)
  CarPart* One = Parts->Retrieve(i);

  cout << "\nCar Part Information";
  cout << "\nPart #:      " << One->PartNumber;
  cout << "\nDescription: " << One->PartName;
  cout << "\nUnit Price: $" << One->UnitPrice << endl;

 return 0;
Number of Parts: 4

-=- List of Parts -=-
Car Part Information
Part #:      27644
Description: A/C Filter Drier
Unit Price: $55.55

Car Part Information
Part #:      87873
Description: Brake Disk
Unit Price: $35.15

Car Part Information
Part #:      27487
Description: Clutch Disk
Unit Price: $47.15

Car Part Information
Part #:      9743
Description: Air Filter
Unit Price: $8.75

Number of Parts: 3

-=- List of Parts -=-
Car Part Information
Part #:      27644
Description: A/C Filter Drier
Unit Price: $55.55

Car Part Information
Part #:      27487
Description: Clutch Disk
Unit Price: $47.15

Car Part Information
Part #:      9743
Description: Air Filter
Unit Price: $8.75
In Java, it is much simple with a lot of less lines. Java has so many rules but it can be easy when you are master of the rules. I try to output the same format as C++. But it does more for example removeLast/removeFirst/getFirst/getLast item of the list and so on....LinkedList is a part of java.util.* so it is much easy.
import java.util.*;

class CarPart{
 long     PartNumber;
 String   PartName;
 double    UnitPrice;
 CarPart(int i, String s, double j){
   PartNumber = i;
   PartName = s;
   UnitPrice = j;
   public String toString() {
        System.out.println("Car Part Information");
     return "Part #:  "+ PartNumber + "\n" +"Description: "+ PartName + "\n" + "Unit Price " + UnitPrice;

class LinkedListPart{
   public static void main(String args[]){
     LinkedList<CarPart> parts = new LinkedList<CarPart>();
     parts.add(new CarPart(9743,"Air Filter",8.75));
     parts.add(new CarPart(27487,"Clutch Disk",47.15));
     parts.add(new CarPart(87873,"Brake Disk",35.15));
     parts.add(new CarPart(27644,"A/C Filter Drier",55.55));
     System.out.println("Number of Parts " + parts.size());
     for (CarPart element : parts) 
       System.out.println(element + "\n");
     System.out.println("--After remove first part from LinkedList---"); 
     for (CarPart element : parts) 
       System.out.println(element + "\n");
     System.out.println("---After remove last part from LinkedList---"); 
      for (CarPart element : parts) 
       System.out.println(element + "\n");

Number of Parts 4
Car Part Information
Part #:  9743
Description: Air Filter
Unit Price 8.75

Car Part Information
Part #:  27487
Description: Clutch Disk
Unit Price 47.15

Car Part Information
Part #:  87873
Description: Brake Disk
Unit Price 35.15

Car Part Information
Part #:  27644
Description: A/C Filter Drier
Unit Price 55.55

--After remove first part from LinkedList---
Car Part Information
Part #:  27487
Description: Clutch Disk
Unit Price 47.15

Car Part Information
Part #:  87873
Description: Brake Disk
Unit Price 35.15

Car Part Information
Part #:  27644
Description: A/C Filter Drier
Unit Price 55.55

---After remove last part from LinkedList---
Car Part Information
Part #:  27487
Description: Clutch Disk
Unit Price 47.15

Car Part Information
Part #:  87873
Description: Brake Disk
Unit Price 35.15

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Why default constructor is required(explicitly) in a parent class if it has an argumented constructor

class A {    
  A(int i){    
class B extends A {
class Main {    
  public static void main(String a[]){
    B b_obj = new B();
This will be an error: cannot find symbol constructor in B If we don't have argument constructor the compiler will insert super() the first line in derived class constructor. Since the parent has parameter(arguments) constructor, it supersedes the default constructor in A, the compiler could not find the default constructor per error showing therefore so we need to insert the default constructor.
So class A will have 2 constructors: default A(){} and A(int i){}.
2 ways to fix it
- has a default constructor in parent class A
- has a super(int) in B constructor
class A {    
  A(int i){    

  A(){}     //insert the default constructor in the base class, derived class unchanged 
class B extends A {
class Main {    
  public static void main(String a[]){
    B b_obj = new B();

class A {    
  A(int i){    
class B extends A {

  B(int i) {    // add constructor for B with super(i) in the 1st line


class Main {    
  public static void main(String a[]){
    B b_obj = new B(2); //constructor has a value
Same thing in C++ you need to create a default constructor for base class if the base class has arguments constructor as long as this argument/parameter constructor is exist the compile will not create default constructor. In Java you can use "super" keyword to call parameter constructor is must be the first line of derived/child constructor. To be compatible for both C++ and Java it is always good to have the parent default constructor.
class A { 
 int i;
  A(int i){}   //A(int i) no default constructor you have to create one above A(){} like Java
class B : public A {

int  main(){
   B *b_obj = new B;  // for B compiler will use default constructor B(){} requires A(){}
See this for the full behaviors of C++ WRT constructors:
if you specify a constructor, the compiler will not create a default one for you. The compiler will define a default ctor if and only if you don't explicitly declare any ctors. It is confusing when there is a parent and child class (derived class). In the above examples, we think that the compiler will generate the default constructor for the child class since there is no constructor is defined so it creates a default constructor for the child but when the object is created in the child class, the parent constructor is called first then the child constructor, this is where the error happens because it could not find the default constructor in the parent class.
This rule applies to Java and C++ as well.
Another way to do is let the child class initializes the base class ctor then no default ctor at base class as long as the compiler know there is one ctor is defined so it does not look for a default ctor. This is the case there is no source code for base class just a library to link and it can be set in the derived class (child class)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A { 
 int i;
  A(int i){}   //A(int i) no default constructor you have to create one above A(){} like Java
class B : public A {
 int j;
 B():A(j){}   // derived class initialize the base class constructor

int  main(){
   B *b_obj = new B;