Tuesday, May 16, 2006


- Buy a domain then go to domain names server set up IP address of your web hosting
This is standard zone - Fill the IP of web hosting usually 2 boxes:
Standard Primary:
(get from web hosting server IP which is dynamic IP
share among many users if you are mini reseller web hosting)
Standard Secondary:
- Go to WHM web host mangement (it is not control panel) set up the account using
that domain for example: www.objectlayer.com but only need to put objectlayer.com
Set up space needs for this website, bandwidth, username and password

- Go to control panel set up the rest: email address, database mysql, security...

that is all, when it works you are able to ping the website and it will reply
Run -> cmd -> dos command -> ping objectlayer.com (using ICMP)

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping objectlayer.com

Pinging objectlayer.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=153ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=163ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=171ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=159ms TTL=48

When you type www.objectlayer.com --> DNS to get IP --> web hosting and information
is stored here so if the browser asks for HTTP request will get HTTP response
Depend on request it could be GET, HEAD and POST. If the server could not find the page error 5xx (client 4xx)
Basically, web server responds to the request from web brownser usually is on the port 80 (HTTPs on port 443 for SSL) this service that the user need to pay web hosting service if they want to have it for their shopping on line.
HTPPs is working on oscommerce by submitting the predefined URL to credit card or banking under POST (Paypal using winsock), the result is again on the predefined on
the users' website. From the result code, the users (seller) can determ if the buyer can buy their products.

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